CSS Cursors

Mouseover the image to cycle through the different cursors. The cursor name is displayed on the status bar.

Here's the source for this page:

<script type='text/javascript'><!--

var d1, c=0;
var cursors = new Array(

window.onload = function() {
  d1 = document.getElementById('D1');
  d1.onmouseover = doCursor;

function doCursor() {
  window.status = 'cursor: ' + cursors[c];
  d1.style.cursor = cursors[c++];
  if (c >= cursors.length) c = 0;

<h3>CSS Cursors</h3>
<p>Mouseover the image to cycle through the different cursors.
The cursor name is displayed on the status bar.</p>
<span id='D1'><img src='myimg.jpg' width='100' height='100'></span>
<p>Here's the source for this page:</p>
<p><a href="http://mfoster.com/">Mike Foster</a></p>

Mike Foster